GoodReads Tag

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I am absolutely in love with Goodreads!  I discovered it back in 2012 and have been using it to keep track of my books ever since.  When I was little I used to keep lists of the books I read and when I finished but unfortunately always seemed to lose them.  I love keeping track of my books and seeing what other people are reading.  There are so many books I've read that I probably would have overlooked if not for friends on Goodreads.  I saw this Goodreads Tag on Carly's blog and loved it.

1. what was the last book you marked as read? Deeper Than the Dead by Tami Hoag.

2. what are you currently reading? I'm about halfway through Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag.

3. what was the last book you marked as 'to read'? Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys.

4. what book do you plan to read next? I haven't decided yet but I'm thinking maybe Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas.

5. do you use the star rating system? Yes and I love it!  I do wish you could give half stars, though.

6. are you doing a 2016 reading challenge? Yes, and I am failing majorly at the moment.  My goal is 65 and I have only read 29, making me 13 books behind ... yikes!

7. do you have a wish list? No. I use my TBR list as a wish list, but I mostly get books from the library.  When I'm ready for a new book, I go through my to reads and make a list of a few books from that list, that I am in the mood for.

8. what book do you plan to buy next?  I am making an effort to use the library exclusively except for books in series that I already own.  I guess the next book I'll buy will probably be the next book in the Throne of Glass series.

9. do you have any favorite quotes? share a few.  I have a bunch, but one of my all time favorites will always be this one from Harry Potter "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live".

10. who are your favorite authors?  J.K. Rowling, Khaled Hosseini, Sarah J Maas, Sarah Addison Allen, Alyson Richman, and Kristin Hannah.

11. have you joined any groups? I used to be in a bunch of groups but they started getting annoying.  The only one I'm in now is the blogger book club, Beyond Words.

12. how many shelves do you have? 4 - To Read, Currently Reading, Read, and Favorites.

Do you use Goodreads?

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