Life Update: March

Thursday, April 7, 2016

March turned out to be a pretty good month.  I thought it was going to drag on because I knew that at the end of the month I'd be seeing Josh.  I was actually able to keep myself busy and the month just flew by.

My month was mostly taken up with work and the gym.  I've been very good at going to the gym at least 3 times per week (other than when I was in SC).   I started a six week program that is outlined in a book my Mom had.  I really liked it so she let me have the book which has 5 or 6 more 6 week programs.  As I am writing this I am in the first week of the second program.  I also restarted a six week cardio program that got derailed because of the constant call outs at work and me having to miss the gym one more than one occasion.

One of my 101 in 1001 goals was to have a monthly date with my Sister and it is going surprisingly well.  We're both pretty busy but I want to spend as much time with her as I can before I leave so I have been making this a priority.  We got together at the beginning of the month so that she could finish watching Fuller House, and we also had a lunch/shopping date the week before I left for SC.  We went to lunch at Subway (we need better lunch places in HarCo), and randomly ended up at JC Penney's where I bought a workout shirt and a super cute pair of boots on clearance. 

My Presidential candidate dropped out of the race this month which makes me sad, so I guess now I am on team Cruz.  I've been seriously slacking on my political Tuesday posts but I literally have no time.  I had to squeeze in time to write this post.

Obviously, the highlight of my month was traveling to SC to see Josh graduate from Basic Training.  I spent a day in Charleston before heading to Columbia for Family DayGraduation day was fantastic and I got to spend a whole 36 hours with Josh after that.  We went straight from SC to VA (which I haven't blogged about) and spent the night there.  We were able to explore Yorktown a bit and Josh finally got to see Deadpool (which we both LOVED).  Dropping him off at AIT seriously sucked.  However, I have been able to talk to him and he is doing great :)

Due to going to SC, I had to work on Easter but was off in plenty of time to have dinner at my Granny's house.  My sister did a Faceswap with my Granny and it was probably the best thing that has ever happened in my life.   My Granny was totally weirded out by Snap-chat and it was hilarious!

... work, ugh.  I'm pretty much over my job.  I have two pet peeves, laziness and lateness.  We had a few weeks this month where there were so many call outs and lateness's by the same few people that I threatened to quit.  My boss pretty much went Rambo on everyone after that because I was serious and she knew it.  Coming to work when you are scheduled is not optional - this is not McDonald's.  Unless you or a family member are dying, you can come to work.  Also, my boss and I have been having to go behind everyone because they haven't been doing paperwork right.  The Coast Guard monitors our site, paperwork needs to be done and be done correctly.  I mean we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off last week because a crew member on a foreign ship was missing from our paper work because someone was too lazy to sign them in when they came back.  It was a mess.  I can't wait to quit.  Which is a shame because I used to like this job.

March was a hectic month and April started out pretty hectic as well but I am excited for the rest of the month.  My sister and I have a day trip to Annapolis planned for the end of the month and my birthday is at the end of the month.  We may even squeeze a trip to DC into the mix!

My five most popular posts in March were:
 Book Reviews: February 2016
Charleston, South Carolina
Family Day: Fort Jackson
ABC Reads: April Update
Virginia 2013: Montpelier

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