Hillbilly Golf: Gatlinburg, TN

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

In 2013, my friend Heather and her boyfriend moved to Knoxville, TN (they have since moved back to MD).  Of course, I started making plans to visit very soon after.   I ended up visiting in September of 2014 and had a great time.  Unfortunately, I was only able to take a 4 day weekend from work, but we made it count.

Our first stop after I arrived was Gatlinburg.  Heather heard of this Hillbilly Golf and it sounded like a lot of fun!  Let me start by saying, NEVER go to Gatlinburg on a holiday weekend (I went labor day weekend)!  In the picture above you can see the traffic heading farther into Gatlinburg.  What should have been a 45 minute drive turned into an almost 2 hour drive.  I will say that the Hillbilly Golf was totally worth the drive!

You start on the ground and get in this cart thing which takes you up a hill to the start of the Golf Course.  There are two different courses and you can choose whichever one you want.  We chose the one to our left.  It ended up being one of the most fun Put-Put courses I have ever played!

Heather won (Jim was sad).  We all ended up coming within a few points of each other, and I discovered that by doing a practice swing, I make it in two shots - so now I'm superstitious about it.  Getting there was a bit of an adventure, as was getting home, but we had a lot of fun and it was totally worth it!  (Also, the ride gave me some time to sleep since I had been up since 9am Friday morning, worked my 10pm to 6am shift into Saturday and drove 8 hours to Knoxville getting me there at 2pm.  I had never been so tired in my life).

Linking  up with: Kerri Kate and Emily for Wanderlust Wednesday.

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