Top 10 Tuesday #2

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I'm not going to lie, I had to cheat a little bit on this one.  I only found one book that I loved that had less than 2000 ratings, and that is the first one on the list.  So I looked for books with less than 2,000 reviews which was still hard but doable (what can I say, I'm a follower).  I also looked at the ratings and made sure they were on the lower side (usually less than 5,000).

This book definitely isn't for everyone, but as someone who lost a close friend at a young age I really enjoyed this book.   I could totally relate to Cloudy at certain points of the story, which made it both uncomfortable and enjoyable to read.
{My Full Review HERE}

I really enjoyed this book but I do understand why some people don't.   It didn't have the emotional punch I was expecting to happen, but it did offer a different perspective on school shootings.  Most books I've read focus on when the shooting is actually happening and the events leading up to it.  This one takes place months after the shooting and deals with the long term effects. I think it's worth reading, it's not perfect, but its good.
{My Full Review HERE}

 This was a sweet book with a good message.  Not a masterpiece or anything but entertaining and I enjoyed the setting and the "girl power" vibe of the book.
{My Full Review HERE}

This was one of my favorite books of 2017.  Such a great story about the resistance during world war 2 in Austria.  HIGHLY Recommend for those who love  historical fiction.
{My Full Review HERE}

Isn't it every book lovers dream to be able to jump right in to their favorite stories and live there?  That's why I loved this book so much!  It wasn't perfect but I loved the idea of being able to jump in and interact with your favorite book characters!
{My Full Review HERE}

Travel, coming of age, beautiful European scenery, and colorful characters - what could be better!?  While I did have some issues with certain parts of this book, all of the great things about it totally overshadowed them.  Totally recommend to anyone who loves to travel.
{My Full Review HERE}

To be honest, I really haven't met an Alyson Richman book I haven't loved.  I always learn so much from her books and this one was no exception.  I had never read a book set in Chile before and didn't know much about the conflict there until I read this.   Definitely recommend to historical fiction lovers.
{My Full Review HERE}

I read this book in 2011 but I remember really enjoying it, especially all the different recipes throughout the book.  I remember really loving the characters and how the main character bonded with her granddaughter over baking
{No Review: read before blogging}

Another Alyson Richman book.   Her books always get me in the feels and this one really, really got me!  This was the first book I'd read on Italy in world war two and I couldn't get enough.  The whole story is just beautiful and I can't recommend it highly enough.  Just don't read it on vacation like I did, bawling on a cruise ship is not cool!
{My Full Review HERE}

I literally love all of the Hundred Oaks books but I chose this one because it had the least amount of ratings, probably because it's newish.   I love these books because they usually involve sports and because they're super realistic and not filled with annoying drama even though the characters are high school aged.
{My Full Review HERE}

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