Bye 2015 and 2016 Goals

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hey friends, it seems to be the thing to do a 2015 recap yesterday and 2016 goals today, but I am going to do both today.

I'm just going to be blunt and say that 2015 was pretty much crap.  Josh lost his job, he joined the Army (which is good and bad), and I lost a family member to heroin - and other than our cruise, we didn't really do much this year.  We had a lot of stress and not a lot of fun.  Needless to say, we're hoping for a better 2016.  I will be spending the next few days with my husband before he ships off to basic training and our lives change completely.   I've got so much going on in my head, I couldn't get it all down if I tried.  So, I'm just going to jump into the 3 goals I have for this year.

Focus On Myself:  This is a big one for me this year as I will be by myself for about 7 months of it.  As much as I am going to miss my husband, I am excited to do things that will make me a better person.  I plan to get certified as a Personal Trainer (which I am already working on), focus on the German Rosetta stone that Josh got me, try a mostly vegan and 100% vegetarian diet, and get back to a healthy lifestyle.  After our cruise, a lot  happened and I kind of checked out a bit and when that happened I really let my health fall to the wayside.  There were days when all I would eat was a sandwich, and I stopped going to the gym.  I've already started working on getting my health back again and I'm already feeling better. 

Collect Moments:  I always see the quote "collect moments, not things" and I really want to focus on that this year.  I'm not much on having a lot of stuff so that's not an issue so much as getting out there and doing things.  That was a bit hard for me this year and I want to make it a priority, especially since we will be leaving Maryland in a few short months.  I am going to attempt to take at least a photo a day and really make an effort to create some memories this year.  My friend Heather already has me off to a great start by asking if I want to go visit our friend Kristin in Arizona this spring!

Put A Dent In My 101 in 1001 List: I was going to come up with a specific number of items that I wanted to complete this year, but I decided that I just want to make an honest effort.  I may only complete a few things but I want to be fully present in whatever I am doing.  So I'm going with a quality vs quantity approach with this.

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