101 in 1001: Watch

Thursday, June 14, 2018

As much as I love books and reading, I also love movies and documentaries.  I set a few goals in order to branch out in what I watch and also to watch a few old favorites.

Watch 15 documentaries (0/15)
I love documentaries if they're good.  I want to try to find more good ones - especially about veganism and minimalism.  I've got a list of about 80 potentials saved from netflix, so this one shouldn't be too hard.  I'm also not opposed to re-watching a few favorites.

See a drive-in movie
There is a drive in theater not 5 minutes from our house in Black River and one in Alex Bay.  I've never been to a drive in movie and I would really like to go.   We plan to go this summer at some point.  I've heard that Alex Bay is better, but Black River is really close to our house, so that one will probably win. 

 Watch 50 of IMDB's top 250 movies (0/50)
 I have my list of 50 that I am interested in saved to a word document.  Some of them I've seen, but I'm OK with that - most of the ones I've seen I haven't watched in quite some time.

Have a Harry Potter movie marathon
Anyone who knows me knows that this isn't going to be a hard one to achieve.  I'd like to spend a rainy day watching all of them, but if I have to watch one or two on separate days, I'm OK with that.   I'm hoping to re-read all of the HP books this year and then do the movie marathon afterwards. 

Have a Disney movie marathon
I LOVE Disney movies and I don't watch them often enough.  I want to have a day of just watching all of my old favorites - Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, the Lion King.

Spend a rainy day watching movies in my PJ's
Watching movies is my favorite thing to do on rainy days, I want to devote an entire day to watching all of my favorites that aren't Disney or HP.  Blue Crush 2, Letters to Juliet, Eat Pray Love, Pretty Woman ... and the list goes on. 

Listen to 5 TED talks  (0/5)
I always see TED talks pop up in random places but I never watch them.  I've heard that they're great so I want to watch a few on subjects that interest me.  I haven't picked any yet, but I have a feeling that there will be plenty that interest me.
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