101 in 1001: Blog/Writing

Thursday, June 21, 2018

I'm trying really hard to be better about blogging, so I had to throw some blogging goals onto my 101 in 1001 list.   Last time I was a bit too ambitious, so this time around I made the goals a bit more realistic for me.

Blog twice per week for 1 year
 I really do enjoy blogging but with working two jobs most days, I just don't feel like blogging when I get home.  I want to put more effort into blogging on my days off.  If I can just complete one post on each day off, I'll meet this goal.

 Keep a journal for one year - write 2X per week
I've always wanted to keep a journal so why not start now.  I've been thinking about starting this on my thirtieth birthday (next year!  Yikes!) and documenting the first year of my thirties.

Make a list of 100 things I've already done
 When I first started blogging, another blogger had posted her Reverse Bucket List - a list of awesome things she's already done in her life.  I thought that was a great idea and did one of my own.  It really reminded me how lucky I am and how much I have actually done in my life.  At that time, I wasn't feeling too great about my life so it was a good reminder to be grateful.   I plan to do this on a much larger scale with a list of 100 things I've done. 

Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die
For my 101 in 1001 list, I needed to be realistic about what I could accomplish in the next 2.75 years.   With this list I get to be a bit more lofty with my goals and think a little farther into the future.  Though I do plan to be a bit realistic, I mean I know I'm never going to have my own huge library on my property, as much as I would LOVE that.

Document one week of my life in photographs
I've noticed that I'm starting to take less pictures (other than pictures of my dogs) of daily life.  I used to take photos all the time even if it was something that seemed trivial.  I've always been pretty good at being able to take a photo but still actually enjoy whatever it is that I'm looking at.  However, lately I've just not been motivated to take pictures.   Hopefully this goal will help me get back into taking pictures of daily life.

Do at least 1 Vlog
I have never liked seeing myself on video so I know this will be a hard one for me and probably one that I'll put off for a while.  However, I do what to give it a try.  Some of my favorite bloggers do the occasional Vlog and I always enjoy them!

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