Book Reviews: July

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dear July, thank you for being so good to me!  I read some great books this month and I'm so excited to share some of them!

I know a lot of people loved this book, but I found a lot of it to be very boring. There were a few parts that I found interesting and the overall idea for the book was great, I just don't think the execution was a great as it could have been.  I think I liked Daniel's story the most and Vasrya's was hardest for me to read because of the animals (can't say too much more without spoiling it).  Overall this was a bit of a letdown.

I struggled with how to rate this book.  On the one hand, I loved it!  It was a little bit slow to start but then I just couldn't put it down.  I found myself needing to know what happened next and really caring about a lot of the characters.  On the other hand, there were points where it felt a bit soap-operaish, which was a bit annoying.  There were also times that I found the narrators (there were two) a bit frustrating.   I went with a higher rating because I really did enjoy this book and it really will make you feel all the feels!

I'm a fan of Cecelia Ahern and have read several books by her so I wasn't surprised by how drawn out the book was - it starts when they're 5 years old and ends when they're 50.   I enjoyed it but man did it seem like it would never end at times!  And the ending was very anticlimactic.  I did enjoy the way it was written (letters, emails, texts) and I think it made it easier to get through 45 years of life than if it had been written like a regular novel.  Even though the story was mainly about Rosie and Alex, I loved Rosie and Ruby's messages the most - everyone needs and friend like Ruby!  I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who doesn't mind epistolary novels.

"Gloriously eccentric and wonderfully intelligent" is exactly how I would describe this book.  My brother is Autistic so I usually enjoy any books that help me to understand him better.  This book was written by someone on the spectrum, about someone on the spectrum, so I think it offered a unique perspective.  There was a lot of math in this book which I kind of skimmed over (math isn't my thing and these parts were not critical to the story), and a lot of him explaining his logical thought process (which I found interesting at times, and frustrating at times).  This book wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be, but I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I read it.

Still sitting here scratching my head wondering why I waited so long to start this series!  I'm loving it and I'm loving how all the old and new characters are coming together and how their stories are intertwined!  I loved getting to know Scarlet and Wolf while also learning more about Cinder's past.  I honestly can't decide which book I liked better!  Not-so-patiently waiting for book 3 from the library!

 I received a signed ARC of this book from the I Read YA event at BookCon
I really, really liked this book.  I can totally understand why others may not, but I really did and I had a hard time putting it down.  I will say that I did expect this book to be a bit different.  There wasn't some big emotional punch or reveal like I had been expecting, but to me the whole book was an emotional punch in the face.  It probably will be for anyone who has lost someone at a young age.  For me, the circumstances were different. I wasn't there and it wasn't a school shooting.  But it was sudden, unexpected and tragic - and 10 years later it still hurts.  And everyone I know dealt with his death differently and that is a lot of what this books is about.  The aftermath and dealing with a tragedy.  It's also about the truth and how it gets twisted and I think that part of this story is so important because of the media involvement in school or other mass shootings.  Speculation hurts people - if you weren't there then you just don't know.  This book gave me a lot to think about, and I think that is why I liked it as much as I did.

I had the pleasure of hearing Angie Thomas speak at BookCon and she is fantastic! Hearing her talk about the inspiration for this book and the tie-ins to her own life made this book that much better for me!
This book y'all.  I don't really know what to say other than that this is probably one of the most important books you could read right now.  It is thought provoking, sad, frustrating, funny, and sobering.  Do yourself a favor and go get it today.

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