101 in 1001: Minimalism

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Minimalism has become a big part of my life lately and I'm really loving it.  I want to work towards simplifying my life even more over the next few months and years.  I feel like it will make life easier and moving easier over the next few years. 

Get rid of 100 things (0/100)
This one is pretty self explanatory. 

Quit Facebook for a week
I can admit, there are days that I spend way too much time scrolling on Facebook just because I'm bored.  I really want to try to stop this and do more productive things with my down time.  Hopefully I can use this week to "detox" from social media and not reach for my phone at the first sign of boredom.

Clean out boxes at Mom's house
I have a few boxes of sentimental things and such at my Mom's house and I want to go through them and get rid of some of the stuff.  There are some things I don't even know why I kept.  I plan to take pictures of the things I get rid of and load them to the cloud and my external hard drive.  I hope to get down to just one or two boxes at Mom's house.

Scan and get rid of physical photos
 I have a lot of physical photos and a lot of them are already scanned into my computer, but I want to get the rest scanned in.  I really have no need for physical photos and they're just taking up a whole bunch of space.  I have photos saved to 3 different locations so I know that unless every piece of technology blows up (including the cloud), my photos will be safe.  I just don't look at physical photos as much as I do my digital ones.

Clean and organize my car (every 6 months)
I have a bad habit of leaving my car a mess.  I really want to clean it more than this but with this winters being so cold and snowy and my garage being so small, I don't think anything more than every 6 months is realistic.  I clean it more during summer but I want to make sure to clean it at least once in the winter.

{Develop a cleaning schedule, Keep to the schedule for 6 months, Keep to the schedule for 1 year}
I had a good cleaning schedule going for a while and then I just stopped.  It was nice because I just did one room per day and didn't have to spend my whole day off cleaning my whole house.   I really want to make an effort to keep up with my schedule this time around, it really made my life so much easier, and my house looked so much better.

{Clean out the garage, Organize the garage}
Our garage is a shit show, to put it mildly.   I would love to spend one day out there getting rid of things, and one day out there cleaning and organizing what is left.  I'd also love to get in there and sweep and run a hose through it. 

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