2018 Debt Free Goals

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year, Everyone!!!  For me, this year is all about paying off debts!  Last year was a great start for us as far as getting out of debt.  We really began in May and paid off a total of $6425 (extra).  I know this year can be better, first because we have the whole year, and second because I have two steady jobs - one of which will pick up big time over the summer.  Also, Josh should be home for a good portion of the year so we can really work together on our budget and our other financial goals.

1. Pay off our Personal Loan and Josh's Car
These are the two debts I know for sure that we can pay off this year (and also the last of the student loan we're paying on currently).  It'll take hard work and being hermits, but that's OK.  I know for sure that we can have the personal loan paid off by summer.  If Josh gets "per diem" pay from his deployment, it could be paid off by March or April. 

2. Use the envelope system and pay for things in cash
This was pretty much impossible to do while Josh was on deployment because there were so many variables in our budget.   I really want to get into the groove of using cash and knowing exactly how much money we have.  I have been using envelopes for different things we've had to save for, such as the repairs on my car, Josh's laptop, Christmas, and doggy camp (boarding) and it's worked really well.

3. Have Bi-weekly budget meetings
This was also impossible to do while Josh was on deployment.  I never knew when I'd get to talk to him and sometimes could go days or weeks with nothing.  This year, I want to make it a habit for us to talk about our finances.  Josh gets paid bi-weekly and since we mostly live off his paycheck, I figured we'd have the meetings once his paycheck is pending in our account.

4. Sell all the things! 
I keep forgetting to go to the thrift store and pick up my checks and drop things off!  I have a box of things that still need to be taken to the thrift shop and I'm pretty sure I have a least 1 check there that I haven't picked up!   Some of the things I need to sell are seasonal for spring and summer, but most of it isn't and I'm just being lazy.  So my goal is to make it to the thrift shop at least 1 time per month.

I am putting this in capital letters because we suck at this and we need to stop sucking at this!   When I look at where most of our money is wasted, it's food!  So this year we really need to suck it up and do weekly meal plans before I go to the grocery store.  I really think this will help cut food costs and help us reach our goals faster!  It's just tedious and neither of us wants to do it, haha!

Have a great first day of 2018!!

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