Sisterhood of the World Award

Monday, September 14, 2015

Before starting getting to the questions in this post, I would like to thank Ashley of Have Ashley, Will Travel for nominating for this award.   One of the great things about blogging is connecting with people who share your interests and passions, and Ashley is one of those people.
1.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
This is both a hard and easy question.  If I were to chose to stay in the United States my choice would be Colorado, no questions asked.  I fell in love with Colorado during my visit for my Uncles wedding and have been dying to get back.  International I'd have to say it's a toss up between Costa Rica and London.  I fell in love with Costa Rica during my trip there and would sell my soul to get back there and even though I've never been to London, it's a place I've been dying to get to and I have a feeling I'd be happy living there.
2.  What is the one thing you cannot live without when you travel?
Camera.  I am pretty low maintenance when it comes to travel (and everyday life) so I could live without pretty much anything but I need my camera.  If I forgot that, I would be devastated.   Also, a book just because I take one every where.
3.  What is your favorite quote?
4.  How do you go about planning what to do on a trip?
I am definitely a go with the flow kind of person.  I am the opposite of a Type-A personality and I hate planning.   Most of my international trips have been planned for me or were trips that I took to do volunteer work.  Cruises are pretty easy to plan for - we basically look at each excursion and narrow it down until we find the one we want.  I will definitely never be an authority on how to plan a trip. 

5.  What is the one souvenir you always get from your travels?
Magnets.  I used to get shot glasses but it became too much and I had no where to put them.  I don't like clutter and "stuff" so I wanted to find something small, so I get a magnet from each place I go. 
6.  What inspires you?
Photography and books.  Any time I see an amazing photo of a place, I have to save it. Photography has always been an inspiration for me and even though I am not a fantastic photographer myself, I appreciate amazing photos and any time I see one it makes me want to see a place even more.  Books are another that have always been a source of inspiration for me.  There are places I've wanted to see and things I've wanted to do simply because I read about it in a book.  There are so many places in Europe that I want to see because of the WW2 historical fiction that I've read.  I want to see where these events took place - see it now and imagine what it was like at that point in history. 
7.  What is your favorite motivational or road trip song?
I don't really have an answer to this.  I have a pretty wide range of taste in music so it all depends of what kind of mood I'm in during each particular trip.  I do really like the song "Take It Easy" by The Eagles and will usually listen to that at some point.  Celtic Woman is a group that I listen to on pretty much every trip as well because it's beautiful and relaxing.
8.  Was there somewhere you visited you did NOT enjoy or you feel was overrated?
Pisa.  Luckily we were only there for a few hours but I think 30 minutes would have been enough.  No particular reason I can point out, I just didn't think there was much to see or do other than the tower. 
9.  What is the best thing you've ever eaten?
That's a super hard question but I think I'm going to go with all of the food we had in Costa Rica.  We had fresh fruit every day and the chef was just amazing.  Everything had so much flavor!  Tapas and Seafood Paella in Spain would be a close second! I still dream about that Paella!
10.  If you could return to one city you've traveled to, which would it be?
This is another hard one but I am going to say Rome.  I feel like because I was with a group in High School, I didn't have enough time to really explore.  I would love to go back and take things slow and see the things that I want to see at my own pace.  Also, Rome is number one on my husbands list and I would love to explore it with him. 

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